Our products offer a better, faster, easier approach to simplify and enhance your practice. 

 Our vision is to provide physicians with new tools that​ ​​​simplify complex procedures, such as Ankle Brachial Index (ABI), Vascular and Autonomic Nervous System Assessments recommended by US and International Medical Associations. Our most recent innovation includes
- wireless transmission to increase patient and technician 
- The TM- Flow data are managed by a cloud in order to connect the physician to specialists ( Cardilogist, Vascular surgeon and Neurologist) for result interpretation. 

​If there is no early diagnosis, then there is no timely treatment.

LD Technology’s mission is to ​​​help physicians
1) To distinguish ​​​​​​the cause of symptoms,
2) To improve the early detection of  chronic disease complications such as:
- Diabetes and any chronic diseases affecting the ANS and/or endothelial functions.
- Virus (I.e. Covid-19) or germs
- Aging, and/or
- Unhealthy lifestyle.   
3)  To Allow a Patient risk stratification  using a scoring system based on abnormal exam results.

Patient Potential 

Autonomic and endothelial functions assessments provide an overall homeostasis or cardiometabolic profile and represent the true patient potential.
Humans are not equal in health ;
each person is unique and according to his/her TM-Flow profile, patient does not have: 
- the same risk to be infected by virus or germs or to get a chronic disease.
- when they are affected , they don’t have the same risk to get complications.


Since the endothelial and autonomic functions are the main regulatory mechanism of the human body, except for genetic or trauma issue, the chronic disease risk is low when those functions are not affected.
- ANS or endothelial dysfunctions increased the risk of any chronic disease
- ANS and endothelial dysfunctions increased with the age
- ANS and endothelial dysfunctions are accelerated when chronic diseases are diagnosed.